Wednesday, December 24, 2008


I have always believed that Christmas is about Jesus being born and not about Santa Claus. I grew up always knowing from a very young age that Santa is not real and we get presents because it is baby Jesus' Birthday. I have gone over this with Grace and she completely understands that there was a St. Nick who delivered presents, but we don't focus on him on Christmas but on the birth of Christ. Abbie on the other hand has not questioned yet who this Santa person is so I had not told her yet.

Well a few weeks ago we were walking in a store and Abbie ran up to Santa and was screaming "NOAH, Look Gracie I found Noah" Abbie was so excited that she finally was meeting the old man who built the ark from the bible story she loves.

Well needless to say she now knows all about Santa and that she really has not met Noah.

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