Sunday, January 25, 2009

My Little Girl is . . . .

Growing Up!

Today Gracie decided to get her Ear's Pierced. We always told her that when she was ready she could get her ear's pierced well we were at the mall and I was looking for earrings and after a little convincing. She decided to go through with it. She whimpered while the lady was getting ready, but sat completely still and did not scream at all. Afterwards she let out a little cry because she was in shock and two minutes later you would have never known what had just happened. She is so excited and can't wait till she can put new ones in in 6 weeks. Unfortunately since this was not planned we did not have a camera on us to take while we were there, so here are a few pictures of her from tonight.


Teresa said...

Wow!! They are so pretty!! :)

Kim said...

Yeah Grace.. I am so proud of you!

Blooming Where We're Planted said...

What a big girl!!!