Tuesday, March 17, 2009


If you have never had to deal with it
believe me when I tell you
that you don't want to ever have it or be around it.

Last Thursday our life changed very quickly! Abbie woke up and within a few minutes she threw-up. I did not think much of it since she had been coughing a lot so I figured she must had a lot of mucous in her throat that needed to come out. That was of course until 15 min later she did it again. I then became a little worried and started hopping it would be over soon. Well every 15-20min for the next 8 hours she threw-up. I could keep nothing in her and she became very lethargic with a fever of a 102.5. So off to the Urgent walk in clinic we went.
They looked at her and immediately said she was dehydrated, so they put an IV in and started the fluids. She was so out of it that she did not even flinch when they put the IV in her arm. After 700cc of fluid and a shot to stop the vomiting she was asleep and I took her home. We spent all night trying to keep the fever down it was now up to 103.5 and trying to get her to drink, but she was so out of it.

The next morning she woke up and seemed better. She went to the bathroom (first time in 24 hours) and was awake, but once again by mid afternoon she started throwing up and her fever spiked again. I called her Dr. and they said to go to the ER. So off to St. Joe's we went. She was lethargic again and could not sit up. When we got to the children's ER it was packed and I was so scared. She was not doing well and I was afraid we would not get to go back for hours. 1 1/2 hours into our wait things turned for the worse. She started throwing up and having explosive Diarrhea. Thank God that within 2 minutes of all this happening they called us back. They rushed her back and had an IV in her within minutes.
(She was so dehydrated that it took 3 sticks to find a vein)

5 minutes after that the Dr. was in a said they would run blood work so they could see what was going on. So Abbie and I curled up on the bed and that is how we spent the next 4 days. 2 hours of getting into the back of the ER we were sent up to a room in the Children's Hospital. That night they did some more test and she came back positive for Rotavirus!!!
For the next few days we laid in the bed with her hooked to IV's trying to get her to eat and keep her fever under control. She hated being bothered every 2 hours at night and she could never get her arm comfortable.

She was so happy that the let us go home last night. Neither me nor her had left their in 4 days so we were happy to see the outside world again. It is so funny how much you miss your shower and bed when you are stuck in place like that.

Even though she has not thrown up or had a fever since Sunday, She is not out of the woods yet and I still have to keep an eye on her now that she is not on constant IV fluids.
I must make sure she keeps drinking so she does not relapse.

I am so glad that we are over the worse part and hopefully she will be back to normal in the next few days. Here are few pictures of her during her stay in the hospital.

This is Thursday night after the Urgent Care visit! She got a cool purple bandage that she just loved!

Here she is in her hospital bed. She loved changing channels on the remote and moving the bed up and down!

Just laying in bed! That is all she could do!

Trying to get comfortable!

Gracie was reading her all the wonderful cards that friends from church made her!
She felt so special!

Trying to sleep! She is a belly sleeper and with her arm all wrapped up and cords everywhere she could not get comfortable!

This is her yesterday morning looking a lot better. Her hair was so crazy because she had not had a bath in 4 days!

They had taken her off the machine she got a bath
and we were waiting to go home!!!!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Yeah! I am so glad you guys got through that... I am sorry you had to go through it - but remember Romans 8:28 and hope you see God's hand in it ALL!